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Stinging Insects

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The most common stinging insects are bees, hornets, wasps, and yellowjackets. All of these stinging insects belong to the Hymenoptera order. Surprisingly, ants also belong to this group. Stinging insects need to be dealt with rapidly because they can create problems for everyone. However, they’re helpful since they can help pollinate plants. If they’re not on your property, it is a good idea to leave them alone. Once you’ve found these pests on your property, you need to work quickly to identify the species. Doing so can help you determine how to remove them and how aggressive they’ll be.

Below, you’re going to learn more about the stinging insects in Cincinnati.

Which Species?

Cincinnati is home to several stinging insects. You need to find out which one you’re dealing with. To do that, you should evaluate the insect’s appearance and the nest’s appearance and location.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are less aggressive than some of the other species in our area. These insects usually don’t sting people unless you get too close to their nest. Don’t touch their nest because you might get stung.

Nest Appearance

Paper Wasps develop nests that are small, gray, and round. Paper wasps build their nests in many locations, including on fences and under overhangs.

Paper Wasp Appearance

The appearance of the paper wasp depends on the species. European Paper Wasps have orange antennas with yellow and black stripes. Northern Paper Wasps has a few dark orange spots but they’re generally brown. On their bodies, they have white and yellow stripes.


Never approach a yellowjacket nest. They’re always aggressive, but become more aggressive in late summer.

Nest Appearance

Although some species can build underground nests, most yellowjacket nests are above ground. These nests can house thousands of stinging insects and tend to be covered with a paper-like material. They’re built around porches and attics.

Yellowjacket Appearance

Yellowjackets can fly quickly. When they fly, their legs will be tightly tucked against their body. Yellow and black stripes can be found on their bellies and heads.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are extremely aggressive. Stay away from their nests in late summer because the colony is bigger and the insect is more aggressive.

Nest Appearance

Bald-faced hornets live with many other insects in nests. They build nests that look a little like an upside-down teardrop. Although they can be built elsewhere, most of them are placed on building sides and trees.

Bald-Faced Hornet Appearance

Bald-faced hornets are unique because they have white and black bodies. They have larger body parts, including abdomens and thoraxes.


Although they can sting, honeybees do not stink as often as other stinging insects. They’re less aggressive. People often breed honeybees to be gentle so they can collect their honey.

Nest Appearance

These stinging insects build intricate wax nests on rocks and buildings. Their nests feature a honeycomb pattern. Unlike other stinging insects, honeybees can use the same nest for multiple years.

Honeybee Appearance

Honeybees are fuzzy and orange or yellow.

Carpenter Bees

You may be able to approach a carpenter bee infestation without being stung

Nest Appearance

Carpenter bees drill holes in wood surfaces. Those holes are roughly three-eights of an inch. Their nests are build in Spring and later used to care for young carpenter ants.

Carpenter Bee Appearance

Carpenter bees and bumblebees share many similarities in terms of appearance. These pests are normally hairless. They may have a yellow spot near their face. If so, this means that you’re dealing with a male carpenter bee.


Are you worried about the dangers associated with stinging insects? You should be because these pests are dangerous. However, the severity of the infestation depends on the species. Some stinging insects are highly dangerous, but others are not. To find out the risks involved, you need to learn more about the species. Once you’ve done that, you’ll know how dangerous the insect is. When the nest gets bigger, the stinging insect gets more violent. If they consider you a threat, they’re going to attack you. Some species build nests in the ground. Unfortunately, this complicates the problem because underground nests are difficult to spot until you’ve been stung.

Reasons For Stinging Insects

Generally, stinging insects invade homes because they find good places to build nests.

Eradicating Stinging Insects

Removing a stinging insect infestation without professional assistance will be dangerous. If you don’t address this problem quickly, it will worsen. With that being said, you have to be cautious when using DIY sprays. These products are risky because you have to get close to the stinging insect nest. There is a risk that you’re going to be attacked after spraying the nest. Some stinging insects can sting multiple times. If you’re going to use these products, let the sun go down first. They’re less aggressive at night. Still, we believe it is best to work with a professional because it is safer.

Our Stinging Insect Services Are Safer

We offer safer stinging insect removal services. We always use the latest methods to eliminate these problems. In addition to this, we use EPA-registered products. Doing this gives us peace of mind that we’ll be able to keep you safe during the entire process. We’ll fix the problem while giving you greater peace of mind. There is always a chance that you’ll need to take precautions to stay safe. If so, our exterminator will let you know.

Stinging Insect Removal Cost

How much will you pay for our stinging insect removal services? Ultimately, the price depends on several factors, including the species of stinging insect you’re dealing with. We’ll also consider the size of the house, the size of the nest, and the location of the nest. We’ll use this information to determine how much you’ll pay.

When Can You Get Here?

Don’t delay calling us. Your stinging insect infestation needs to be dealt with swiftly. Call us so we can take care of the issue within days. After your call, we’ll do our best to contact you back within 24 to 48 hours.

What Do I Need To Protect My Cincinnati Home From A Repeat Stinging Insect Infestation?

The first thing you need to do is contact our Cincinnati pest control location. We employ some of the most skilled licensed exterminators in the Ohio pest control industry. Our extermination teams are fully trained to tackle and beat every stinging insect infestation, ranging from mild to severe.

Preventing a repeat stinging insect infestation starts with the removal of things the insects are attracted to. For example, stinging insects are drawn to vulnerable eaves, soffit, and gutters. Anywhere the insect can hang out without being detected is the best place for an infestation to start.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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Stinging Insects